============= Why the fork? ============= This project is a fork of python-podgen_. It follows the exact same syntax but adds to it several other classes that models XML tags from the `RSS Namespace Extension for Podcasting`_. Projects using versions 1.1.0_ or before of python-podgen_ can safely move to pod2gen_ and start using the new classes for building more specific and advanced podcast feeds. The goal of pod2gen_ remains the same as python-podgen_ which is **making it easy and simple to generate podcasts** from a Python program but intends to stay more up to date with latest `RSS Namespace Extension for Podcasting`_.. Migration from python-podgen to pod2gen --------------------------------------- Python 2.7 support has been dropped. If you are using python-podgen_ with python 2.7 you might need to move to python 3.6+ before start using pod2gen_ but if you are already using Python 3.6+ with python-podgen_, the transition will be simple. All you need to do is replacing ``podgen`` with ``pod2gen`` in your imports :: # Old import statement # from podgen import Podcast # New import statement from pod2gen import Podcast You can then start implementing new tags within the `RSS Namespace Extension for Podcasting`_. by importing newly implemented classes from ``pod2gen`` :: from pod2gen import ( AlternateMedia, Funding, License, Location, Soundbite, Trailer, Transcript, ) Please refer to :doc:`api` for more details about how to use the new classes. Summary of changes ------------------ * Dropping python 2.7 support * Implementing `RSS Namespace Extension for Podcasting`_ tags .. _python-podgen: https://github.com/tobinus/python-podgen .. _1.1.0: https://github.com/tobinus/python-podgen/releases/tag/v1.1.0 .. _`RSS Namespace Extension for Podcasting`: https://podcastindex.org/namespace/1.0 .. _pod2gen: https://gitlab.com/caproni-podcast-publishing/pod2gen