---------- Philosophy ---------- This project is heavily inspired by the "for humans" approach of the `Requests `__ library, which features an API that is designed to give the developer a great user experience. This is done by finding a suitable scope and abstraction level, and designing the API so it supports the developer's vocabulary and their mental model of how the domain works. For example, instead of using the names of XML tags like "itunes:image", a more relevant name, here simply "image", is used. Another example is the duration of a podcast episode. In XML terms, this is put into an "itunes:duration" tag which exists outside of the "enclosure" tag, which holds the filename and file size. In pod2gen, the filename, file size, file type and audio duration are all placed together in a Media instance, since they are all related to the media itself. The goal has been to "hide" the messy details of the XML and provide an API on top which uses words that you recognize and use daily when working with podcasts. To be specific, pod2gen aims to follow `PEP 20 `__ idioms: 1. Beautiful is better than ugly. 2. Explicit is better than implicit. 3. Simple is better than complex. 4. Complex is better than complicated. 5. Readability counts. To enable this, the project focuses on one task alone: making it easy to generate a podcast.